Title: "CFPL TV Chronicles: A Sea Pig Adventure – A Premier Encounter"
Dear readers, welcome to the latest installment of CFPL TV Chronicles, where the tapestry of my past at CFPL TV unfolds in a series of magical and coincidental moments. Today's narrative takes us back to the sometimes tranquil waters of Georgian Bay, where the Sea Pig and the my wife's family boat set the stage for an unexpected encounter with none other than Mr. William Davis, the Provincial Premier.
In the early '70s, post my nuptials with my wonderful Wendy in 1972, our lives were intertwined with the colorful characters from my CFPL TV days. The Sea Pig, our quirky homemade pontoon cottage boat, became the floating haven for countless adventures. However, the true stars of this particular tale are Howard and Gene, Wendy's parents, and their boat, originally from Grand Bend, stationed in Port Severn.
Robbie's wife Hazel and Wendy's mom Gene share the day on Howard's Alcan houseboat. |
The summer of around 1974 found us navigating the pristine waters of Georgian Bay, in the company of Glen Robitaille (Robbie), his wife Hazel, (next-door neighbours to Howard and Gene in London, ON) and the former CFPL TV News anchor, Hugh Bremner in Robbie's day boat. Our destination was the mysterious Boatel – a 'motel' accessible only by boat, adding an extra layer of adventure to our maritime journey.
As we approached the Boatel's dock, the unexpected sight of Premier Davis, unshaven and embodying a casual vacation mode, greeted us. In a surreal twist of fate, we threw a line to 'Bill', who graciously helped secure our boats. It was a moment where the leader of the province played the role of a marina attendant, and our boats, including Howard and Gene's found a unique parking spot under the Premier's watchful gaze. We knew he had a cottage somewhere nearby because he flew over us occasionally in his sea plane commuting from Toronto Island.
Robbie, Hazel, and Hugh seemed nonchalant, as if rubbing shoulders with a Premier at a remote 'motel' was just another day in the Bay. For the rest of us, it was an encounter with unexpected celebrity that left an indelible mark.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow on Georgian Bay, I marveled at the unexpected connections that linked my CFPL TV days to this unique maritime meeting. In retrospect, I wished I had captured more pictures to freeze-frame the day when our boats, including the Taleski family vessel, shared the stage with the head of the province at the Boatel.
Join me in the next chapter of CFPL TV Chronicles, where we'll dive into more tales of serendipity, laughter, and the extraordinary moments that wove together my journey at the television studio.
Join me in the next chapter of CFPL TV Chronicles, where we'll dive into more tales of serendipity, laughter, and the extraordinary moments that wove together my journey at the television studio.
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